This is the .NET implementation of CorrelatorSharp, which enables context-aware logging and correlation tracking between multiple services and operations. CorrelatorSharp is async/await safe and the current activity flows logically across tasks and threads.

Get it

NuGet CorrelatorSharp
master Build status

Using it

CorrelatorSharp has out of the box support for various languages and frameworks (.NET, AngularJS, Flask/Python):

Using it standalone

using (ActivityScope scope = new ActivityScope("Operation")) {
    Console.WriteLine("Current Activity Id: " + ActivityScope.Current.Id);
    Console.WriteLine("Current Activity Name: " + ActivityScope.Current.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Current Activity ParentId: " + ActivityScope.Current.ParentId);

    using (ActivityScope nestedScope = new ActivityScope("Nested Operation")) {
        Console.WriteLine("Current Activity Id: " + ActivityScope.Current.Id);
        Console.WriteLine("Current Activity Name: " + ActivityScope.Current.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("Current Activity ParentId: " + ActivityScope.Current.ParentId);


Current Activity Id: 4050a075-51db-4e62-8a92-17720a73045e
Current Activity Name: Operation
Current Activity ParentId:

Current Activity Id: 2d7aa66d-62b4-406d-91e4-ea3305690675
Current Activity Name: Nested Operation
Current Activity ParentId: 4050a075-51db-4e62-8a92-17720a73045e

Extending CorrelatorSharp

Adding support for logging frameworks

If the logging framework supports injecting additional data at log entry creation time then - look at the Application Insights integration code.

If the logging framework doesn’t support injecting additional data - have a look at CorrelatorSharp.Logging.

Adding support for other framework

Getting the current activity scope:


Getting the name of the http correlation header:


Creating a new scope:

using CorrelatorSharp;

using (ActivityScope scope = new ActivityScope("Main Operation")) {